"I want to write a story about whale research"/"That is boring"/"What if I insinuate misogyny in the headline?"/"What does that have to do with the research? And how would you manage that?"/"Oh... I have a plan."

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul "I want to write a story about whale research"/"That is boring"/"What if I insinuate misogyny in the headline?"/"What does that have to do with the research? And how would you manage that?"/"Oh... I have a plan.". Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
A conversation between the reporter and the editor is imagined by the most-liked commenter on the WaPo article, "Young women are criticized for this vocal tic — but it helps whales survive/A new study in the journal Science finds many of the marine mammals vocalize in a strikingly similar way to humans."

The "tic" is vocal fry, AKA "creaky voice."

The whales and dolphins are engaging in echolocation. I'd listen with delight to young women doing vocal fry if I thought it was helping them find their way in the darkness. Well, but... be creative: "the darkness" is a metaphor. It can symbolize the cruel and ignorant world. Who is to say that women are not navigating through the use of those wacky throat vibrations as they speak? They sound more masculine — and more annoying too. Clear the path, they're coming through!

Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "I want to write a story about whale research"/"That is boring"/"What if I insinuate misogyny in the headline?"/"What does that have to do with the research? And how would you manage that?"/"Oh... I have a plan." . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
"I want to write a story about whale research"/"That is boring"/"What if I insinuate misogyny in the headline?"/"What does that have to do with the research? And how would you manage that?"/"Oh... I have a plan." "I want to write a story about whale research"/"That is boring"/"What if I insinuate misogyny in the headline?"/"What does that have to do with the research? And how would you manage that?"/"Oh... I have a plan." Reviewed by Admin Blog on 11:50 AM Rating: 5

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