"The land was so steep, he said, 'it was just a guardrail and a cliff.' But the view over the city was breathtaking."

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul "The land was so steep, he said, 'it was just a guardrail and a cliff.' But the view over the city was breathtaking.". Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
"And when [he] crept up to the edge of the 0.15-acre lot, he could see that it wasn’t actually a cliff. There was land below, but the hillside fell away like a black-diamond ski run.... 'Obviously, it’s incredibly steep,' [said the architect]. 'But steepness doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not buildable. What makes it buildable is the geology. And we’re pretty fortunate in L.A. to have really steep lots that are actually pretty healthy below the surface.'"

Very interesting design making a lot out of what was so close to nothing that it only cost $45,000 to buy the lot. There's even a swimming pool, tucked in behind the house, with an underwater window that looks into the kitchen. And the shower has a transparent glass wall looking out over the city. The caption reads:
Because no neighbors have views into the house, the shower has a wall of clear glass that allows Mr. Arnold to take in the view.... “It’s like showering outside,” he said.

No neighbors. But there's a whole city out there. Yes, the buildings are pretty far off, but people have telescopic lenses, a subject I've wrote about in 2014, in "Speaking of naked...":

... the rich folk of New York don't mind if you look at them naked while they use the bathroom... as long as you have to look way, way up.ADDED: The NYT should back link to its own 1990s article "Telescopes for (Sneaky) City Views." Telescopes aren't even mentioned in the new article.
This is a city where everybody is always looking at everybody else, but nobody wants to be caught in the act. This is why, from bay windows in brownstones to penthouses so high that helicopters flutter beneath them, there are viewfinders being fiddled with, focusing knobs being twirled and powerful lenses peering deeply into unsuspecting people's eyes.... Better yet are camera attachments and specially coated low-light lenses that make the dimmest apartments seem as bright as high noon, but not to the people who live there....

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"The land was so steep, he said, 'it was just a guardrail and a cliff.' But the view over the city was breathtaking." "The land was so steep, he said, 'it was just a guardrail and a cliff.' But the view over the city was breathtaking." Reviewed by Admin Blog on 7:50 AM Rating: 5
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