Consider the white supremacy of requiring cooks to switch from gas to electric.

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I'm reading "Will most chefs ever trade gas stoves for induction? It’s complicated" (WaPo):
The art of Chinese stir-fry cooking is difficult, if not impossible, to replicate with induction burners, even those specifically designed for woks, in part because heat transference occurs only when the pan is in contact with the electromagnetic cooktop. The way flavors are developed — such as oil singed as flames lick up and around the pan — are virtually unique to stir-fry cooking, especially those dishes that call for wok hei, a kind of charred quality that occurs when ingredients are tossed in a well-seasoned wok. For these reasons and more, chefs who specialize in stir-fry cooking will probably never surrender their high-Btu gas burners.... 'It’s kind of like asking, "Why can’t a guy doing Texas barbecue just use an electric stove instead of a wood fire?" Well, that’s not going to happen because that’s really the essential part of the flavor of the dish'...."

Disparate impact. 

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Consider the white supremacy of requiring cooks to switch from gas to electric. Consider the white supremacy of requiring cooks to switch from gas to electric. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 9:50 AM Rating: 5
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