"So 'Joni Mitchell music' is a genre of its own?"

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Said Lurker21, in the comments to this morning's post about Joe Rogan, which included appreciation of Joe's line, "I love Joni Mitchell, I love her music, 'Chuck E.'s in Love' is a great song"  ("Chuck E.'s in Love" being a Rickie Lee Jones song).

Since we're talking about Spotify, I'd just like to say that on Spotify, anybody's music is a genre of its own. You search the artist's name and, from among the results, choose the icon with the artist's name followed by radio. Thus, for Joni Mitchell, I find "Joni Mitchell Radio" — with varied artists along with Joni:


It works, as I say, with any artist. Just to pick someone I like who was obscure to me until recently: 

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"So 'Joni Mitchell music' is a genre of its own?" "So 'Joni Mitchell music' is a genre of its own?" Reviewed by Admin Blog on 10:51 AM Rating: 5

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