"I heard a big boom... The back window of the car just busted out — exploded. Then the guy jumped up and started screaming.... He was like, 'What happened?' And was like, 'You fell.' I was thinking, thank God, it probably helped that he had a fluffy jacket on."

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul "I heard a big boom... The back window of the car just busted out — exploded. Then the guy jumped up and started screaming.... He was like, 'What happened?' And was like, 'You fell.' I was thinking, thank God, it probably helped that he had a fluffy jacket on.". Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
From "Man plunges nine stories from NJ high-rise, lands on BMW — and survives" (NY Post).
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "I heard a big boom... The back window of the car just busted out — exploded. Then the guy jumped up and started screaming.... He was like, 'What happened?' And was like, 'You fell.' I was thinking, thank God, it probably helped that he had a fluffy jacket on." . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
"I heard a big boom... The back window of the car just busted out — exploded. Then the guy jumped up and started screaming.... He was like, 'What happened?' And was like, 'You fell.' I was thinking, thank God, it probably helped that he had a fluffy jacket on." "I heard a big boom... The back window of the car just busted out — exploded. Then the guy jumped up and started screaming.... He was like, 'What happened?' And was like, 'You fell.' I was thinking, thank God, it probably helped that he had a fluffy jacket on." Reviewed by Admin Blog on 8:50 AM Rating: 5

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