Venezuela Continues Its Trend To Be A Failed State
DNYUZ/New York Times: Bouncy Castles and Grenades: Gangs Erode Maduro’s Grip on Caracas
CARACAS, Venezuela — From within his presidential palace, President Nicolás Maduro regularly commandeers the airwaves, delivering speeches intended to project stability to his crumbling nation.
But as the Venezuelan state disintegrates under the weight of Mr. Maduro’s corrupt leadership and American sanctions, his government is losing control of segments of the country, even within his stronghold: the capital, Caracas.
Nowhere is his weakening grip on territory more evident than in Cota 905, a shantytown that clings to a steep mountainside overlooking the gilded halls from which Mr. Maduro addresses the nation.
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WNU Editor: Venezuela is now trying to implement a Covid-19 vaccination program .... Long lines and confusion as Venezuela begins COVID-19 vaccination (Reuters), and it looks like it is falling apart.
And for a country that has the largest reserves of oil in the world, it has finally received its first shipment of diesel in six months .... Iranian fuel shipment reaches Venezuelan waters (AFP).
Update: I do not see this happening in the foreseeable future .... In An Attempt To Ease Sanctions, Venezuela's Maduro Reaches Out To U.S. (NPR).
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