"Task-driven, repetitive, monotonous but immersive, often very frustrating, it’s exactly like having a bullshit job."
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"The best thing about childhood, the bit that makes up for people constantly telling you what to do and where to be, is that you have those years outside the productive economy, where no one thinks to measure your worth by the net value you create, where all you have to do is grow and be endearing. While it remains the case that none of them is creating any value, in every other respect they are at the coal face, wage slaves without the wages. I’m worried that the kids have a seriousness of purpose, a rigidity of application totally out of whack with the task in hand, that nobody should rightly learn until their mid-20s...."
From "Video games have turned my kids into wage slaves – but without the wages" by Zoe Williams (The Guardian).
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "Task-driven, repetitive, monotonous but immersive, often very frustrating, it’s exactly like having a bullshit job." . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
"Task-driven, repetitive, monotonous but immersive, often very frustrating, it’s exactly like having a bullshit job."
Reviewed by Admin Blog
6:54 AM