"Now I don’t know what brought this up but I have no intention of hopping around the world ogling natives and peasants or whatever you had in mind."

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Said Benjamin Braddock, the main character in the novel "The Graduate," which I read after reading the obituary of the author Charles Webb. I picked out that quote because my longstanding critique of travel. The character says that after his love interest, Elaine, tells him, "Before you tie yourself down to being married you should do other things... But wouldn’t it be exciting?... To see all the different lands and the different peoples and so forth?"

I wanted to read "The Graduate" to prepare to read another book by Webb, "Home School," in which he tells what he and his wife (≈ Ben and Elaine) did with their life.

Here's the note, "About the Author," that's in "The Graduate":
Charles Webb seems to have taken the message of his book very seriously and has spent his adult life avoiding the sort of traps that materialism lays for people. Since the success of The Graduate, has shunned the limelight. Both he and his wife have sought to avoid the celebrity and the expectations that success could have brought them. Webb gave away most of the money he made from the novel and reportedly sold the film rights to the book for a mere $20,000.
The novel "The Graduate" is very close to the movie, which I've seen twice, though not recently. It's a very quick read, full of dialogue, but it does help you understand the characters a bit more than in the movie. The main difference is that the huge laugh line from the movie, "Plastics," is not in the book, and in the book Benjamin converts his sports car to cash as soon as he gets to Berkeley, so he's not chasing Elaine in that cool car.

Anyway. Travel. I thought the translation of the bourgeois view of travel into "hopping around the world ogling natives and peasants" was very nice. The character never knows what he wants to do (other than marry Elaine), but other people keep wanting him to do things, and you get the message that he's more advanced just having eliminated all their bad ideas from his life. Traveling is just one of them.
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"Now I don’t know what brought this up but I have no intention of hopping around the world ogling natives and peasants or whatever you had in mind." "Now I don’t know what brought this up but I have no intention of hopping around the world ogling natives and peasants or whatever you had in mind." Reviewed by Admin Blog on 12:54 PM Rating: 5

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