"The massive search for Sol Pais is over. She is dead from possible self-inflicted wounds..."
Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul "The massive search for Sol Pais is over. She is dead from possible self-inflicted wounds...". Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
"The 18-year-old female suspect was on the run after after making threats that led to the closure of school for more than half a million students on Colorado’s Front Range Wednesday.... The 18-year-old was from Florida and made some comments about the Columbine shooting on April 20, 1999, that apparently caused great concern. She was apparently 'infatuated with the perpetrators of Columbine.' Authorities haven’t said exactly what she said, and it’s not clear if those comments were made before or after her purchase of a pump-action shotgun once she arrived in Colorado on Monday night. She apparently wasn’t specifically threatening any specific school in her comments."
CBS4 Denver reports.

Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "The massive search for Sol Pais is over. She is dead from possible self-inflicted wounds..." . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
"The 18-year-old female suspect was on the run after after making threats that led to the closure of school for more than half a million students on Colorado’s Front Range Wednesday.... The 18-year-old was from Florida and made some comments about the Columbine shooting on April 20, 1999, that apparently caused great concern. She was apparently 'infatuated with the perpetrators of Columbine.' Authorities haven’t said exactly what she said, and it’s not clear if those comments were made before or after her purchase of a pump-action shotgun once she arrived in Colorado on Monday night. She apparently wasn’t specifically threatening any specific school in her comments."
CBS4 Denver reports.

Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "The massive search for Sol Pais is over. She is dead from possible self-inflicted wounds..." . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
"The massive search for Sol Pais is over. She is dead from possible self-inflicted wounds..."
Reviewed by Admin Blog
10:38 AM