Norway’s Ruined Frigate Is Afloat Again

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The re-raised ship from the starboard rear quarter. Norwegian Navy

Popular Mechanics: Norway’s Ruined Frigate Is Afloat Again and It Doesn't Look Good

Helge Ingstad is floating on its own but officials are doubtful it can return to service.

A guided missile frigate that sank last year after a collision with an oil tanker is floating on its own while the Royal Norwegian Navy assesses the damage. The Helge Ingstad spent more than three months submerged in the frigid Norwegian Sea before being raised again in March. Experts believe the warship, exposed to oxygen-rich salt water, is so badly damaged it will never sail again.

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WNU Editor: 3 months underwater in saltwater. It is a write-off. It will cost almost as much to fix it over buying a new one.
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Norway’s Ruined Frigate Is Afloat Again Norway’s Ruined Frigate Is Afloat Again Reviewed by Admin Blog on 5:30 AM Rating: 5

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