Maher and the Mayor — Bill Maher interviews Pete Buttigieg.

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Maher — noting that Buttigieg learned Norwegian so he could read a particular book — calls Buttigieg the opposite of whatever Trump is: "He's fat, you're thin. He's old, you're young. You went to Afghanistan, he dodged the draft.... So how do you beat him?"

Buttigieg quickly takes the focus away from where Maher put it (on the loathsomeness of Trump). You have to have to talk about substance and give the people better policies. "We gotta be willing to talk not just at the highest level, about our values, but at the ground level, about how following our values cashes out, and instead, a lot of the time we've been stuck at that middle level, which is about the policy designs, before we really win the day, either for the values that motivate those policies or for the results that come from those policies."

Lots of conceptualization about levels — with hand gestures for up here (with the values), down here (with the designs), and in the middle (which is, I guess, some muddle of values and designs). I don't know what he's saying he can do, but I bet there are people who love the long, multi-part, conceptual-as-hell sentence. It's a word salad, but it's a salade composée. And I just learned French so I could make that joke.

About those "levels"....

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Maher and the Mayor — Bill Maher interviews Pete Buttigieg. Maher and the Mayor — Bill Maher interviews Pete Buttigieg. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 4:46 AM Rating: 5

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