"I had two priorities: to save the crown of thorns and a statue of Jesus."
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Said Rev. Jean-Marc Fournier, quoted in "The Chaplain, the Cathedral Fire and the Race to Rescue Notre-Dame’s Relics" (NYT).

Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "I had two priorities: to save the crown of thorns and a statue of Jesus." . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Said Rev. Jean-Marc Fournier, quoted in "The Chaplain, the Cathedral Fire and the Race to Rescue Notre-Dame’s Relics" (NYT).
“We needed keys and codes to save some of the world treasures, which I clearly didn’t have,” Father Fournier said.... The crown of thorns... was locked in a chest.
While Father Fournier ran to look for the keys, some of his fellow firefighters opted for a more direct approach: They broke open the chest....
With the statue [of Jesus] in hand, Father Fournier, alone in the nave... "thought Jesus could help us a little bit and work, too,” he said. “I invited him to worry about his own house if he didn’t want to finish the night under a tent by the Canal Saint-Martin.”...
“The one who tells you that he’s not afraid in that kind of situation is either very dangerous or foolish,” the chaplain said. “Even for a firefighter, to go inside a building in flames isn’t that natural.”
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "I had two priorities: to save the crown of thorns and a statue of Jesus." . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
"I had two priorities: to save the crown of thorns and a statue of Jesus."
Reviewed by Admin Blog
5:14 AM