China Destroyed The Uighur's 'Notre Dame' Last Year

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Rod Dreher, American Conservative: China Destroyed Uighur Notre Dame

We are not making nearly enough noise about the cultural genocide the Beijing government is undertaking in Xinjiang province, against the Uighur Muslims. From scholar Rachel Harris in The Guardian:

After the Cultural Revolution, Uighur and Kazakh Muslims began to reconnect with their faith. They resumed the traditional practices of pilgrimage and festivals at the shrines that lie deep in the Taklamakan desert. They began to learn about Islam in the wider world; people who could afford it travelled to Mecca for the hajj, and they began to rebuild their mosques. As local communities grew richer they invested in bigger and more beautiful mosques; people crowded into them for Friday prayers, and they served as living symbols of community identity and pride.

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WNU Editor:I did not even know about this.

Hat tip to Robert for this story.
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China Destroyed The Uighur's 'Notre Dame' Last Year China Destroyed The Uighur's 'Notre Dame' Last Year Reviewed by Admin Blog on 8:52 PM Rating: 5

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