"Inside McCarthy’s conference, few if any members would say outright on Tuesday night that their speaker made a mistake by sharing the footage with Carlson..."
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"... in fact, only a handful admitted to watching the segment at all. One of those is McCarthy himself, who defended the move in the name of transparency when pressed by reporters Tuesday night. But some House Republicans aired their displeasure with being forced to revisit the attack on their workplace. 'It’s definitely stupid to keep talking about this.… So what is the purpose of continuing to bring it up unless you’re trying to feed Democrat narratives even further?' Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) said in an interview, noting the videos didn’t show 'anything we don’t already know.' 'I don’t really have a problem with making it all public. But if your message is then to try and convince people that nothing bad happened, then it’s just gonna make us look silly.'"
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"... in fact, only a handful admitted to watching the segment at all. One of those is McCarthy himself, who defended the move in the name of transparency when pressed by reporters Tuesday night. But some House Republicans aired their displeasure with being forced to revisit the attack on their workplace. 'It’s definitely stupid to keep talking about this.… So what is the purpose of continuing to bring it up unless you’re trying to feed Democrat narratives even further?' Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) said in an interview, noting the videos didn’t show 'anything we don’t already know.' 'I don’t really have a problem with making it all public. But if your message is then to try and convince people that nothing bad happened, then it’s just gonna make us look silly.'"
Who thinks the message is "nothing bad happened"? Isn't it more about unskewing what had been a skewed message? I understand the urge to say let's just stop talking about it, but when your opponents are obviously not going to stop talking about it, why should you stand down? The answer seems to be, because that's what well-behaved Republicans traditionally do.
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"Inside McCarthy’s conference, few if any members would say outright on Tuesday night that their speaker made a mistake by sharing the footage with Carlson..."
Reviewed by Admin Blog
9:50 AM