"Absent a controlled experiment in which people are randomly assigned to either have or not have an experience, we are left with several uncertainties."

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul "Absent a controlled experiment in which people are randomly assigned to either have or not have an experience, we are left with several uncertainties.". Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
"We cannot be sure if the experience harmed the person’s mental state (in this case, that Instagram caused teenagers to become depressed); if the person’s poor mental state led to the experience (that depressed teenagers are more likely than others to use Instagram, or to use it more often); or if some other, unmeasured variable (such as family conflict) contributed to both the experience and the mental state, creating the appearance of a direct association between the two factors.... We need much better research than that described in the Facebook documents to sort out these competing accounts. Such research would be able to control for pre-existing differences between people who do and do not use the platform, to monitor them over time to look at changes in mental health during the period tracked, and to measure mental health with standardized measures of symptoms before and after.... [G]iven the widespread eagerness to condemn social media it’s important to remember that it may benefit more adolescents than it hurts.... We are told again and again that correlation is not causation, but we readily ignore this maxim when we are looking for an account that we hope is true."

Writes Laurence Steinberg in "Does Instagram Harm Girls? No One Actually Knows" (NYT).

Steinberg is a psychology professor who specializes in adolescent development. Here's his book: “Age of Opportunity: Lessons From the New Science of Adolescence.”

It's ludicrous that there's pressure to legislate when there isn't even any decent research on the subject. We've got some absurd political theater going on right now with the evil corporation, the heroic whistleblower, the secret documents, and the agitation to — quick — do something! 

What happened to the idea that we must be scientific about everything? What is it that causes the erstwhile elitists to degrade into the kind of people they'd otherwise call deplorable? 

The obvious hypothesis is: Political gain. The real goal isn't to help the kids at all but to increase the power of the Democratic Party. There is a noxious hope of coercing Facebook into controlling the flow of information in a manner that will serve the interests of the Democratic Party.  

I don't know that for a fact. Test my hypothesis. But the presumption should be against legislating, especially when the plan is to regulate speech.

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"Absent a controlled experiment in which people are randomly assigned to either have or not have an experience, we are left with several uncertainties." "Absent a controlled experiment in which people are randomly assigned to either have or not have an experience, we are left with several uncertainties." Reviewed by Admin Blog on 6:50 AM Rating: 5

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