"What's the avocado tree's name? (I have forgotten). It's looking pretty large."

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul "What's the avocado tree's name? (I have forgotten). It's looking pretty large.". Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.

Said MadisonMan, in the comments to the post with video of Meade grinding hard red winter wheat. Meade answered "Arthur" with a link to "Recurring features in Mad (magazine)" (Wikipedia), and then, later, took this picture of the tree and me. 


I'm there, I suppose, for scale. 

The hat is not an affectation, but a needed shield for my eyes as I work in front of the big window, but it's funny to see it in the picture, because I just finished writing a post on the NYT obituary for the artist Barry Le Va, and the obit has the line, "Mr. Le Va became known for his ever-present Borsalino hat," and that's what my hat is, a man's Borsalino hat. 

Here's how Arthur looked in May 2019, after we drove home from Utah in one day to save him from a mid-Spring freeze. And here he is in October 2015, when he was 2.

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"What's the avocado tree's name? (I have forgotten). It's looking pretty large." "What's the avocado tree's name? (I have forgotten). It's looking pretty large." Reviewed by Admin Blog on 8:54 AM Rating: 5

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