"There's no news. Have you noticed that?... There's no news. How much better a President can you be than to make the news go away?"

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul "There's no news. Have you noticed that?... There's no news. How much better a President can you be than to make the news go away?". Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.

"This is something no President has ever done before.... Name another President who's so good, he made the news go away."

I listened to that yesterday, and I'm remembering it this morning and choosing to post it because I'm looking for news to blog and I can't find anything.

ADDED: I am still looking. I was picking over stories and the closest I got were: 1. Somewhere they're teaching cursive writing again, 2. Some people don't watch "Game of Thrones" (and can be called "Never Throners"), 3. Bibi Andersson died, 4. Some people aren't good at riding electric bikes, and 5. Criticizing Ilhan Omar might endanger her.
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang "There's no news. Have you noticed that?... There's no news. How much better a President can you be than to make the news go away?" . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
"There's no news. Have you noticed that?... There's no news. How much better a President can you be than to make the news go away?" "There's no news. Have you noticed that?... There's no news. How much better a President can you be than to make the news go away?" Reviewed by Admin Blog on 4:57 AM Rating: 5

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